Fertility & Preconception

Promoting family building as an intentional journey

Science, Wellness, & Informed Decision-Making

Our expertise in fertility healthcare and preconception wellness is what sets us apart from other midwifery practices.

We support fertility awareness and curiosity for the purposes of family-building for anyone wanting to make a baby; whether you’re an LGBTQIA+ person, a single-by-choice prospective parent, someone with fertility challenges, or a polycule family, we’re here to help!

We do this through clinical services, assisted donor insemination services, and family-building education and resource-building.

sperm, fertilization, iui, ttc, conception

What to Expect

Free Discovery Consult - 15 min

Meet virtually, let us share with you how we may support you and learn more about your family-building goals

Fertility & Preconception Consult - 60 min

Meet in-person or virtually, an in-depth dive into your fertility questions and concerns. We may review your health history, answer questions about sperm access, insemination procedures, cycle tracking, and timelines for when to start trying to grow a baby. Support for troubleshooting any challenges you may be encountering.

Initial Fertility Appointment - 90 min

Comprehensive health history and fertility assessment (may include labs, physical exam, and carrier screening)

Establishing fertility status & making plan to support fertility

Continued Follow-up Visits - 30-60 min

Cycle tracking education

Ovulation & insemination planning

Fertility troubleshooting

Education on planning for pregnancy, childbirth, & postpartum

Donor Insemination - 30-60 min

In-home or in-clinic IUI (intrauterine insemination) or ICI (intracervical insemination)

Support for those choosing to self-inseminate

Peer support groups - time & schedules vary

In-person peer support groups meet at least once a month and access is included (though not required) in our care plans

Facilitated themes in fertility, gestation (pregnancy), de-gendering parenting, and the postpartum period; guest speakers often attending

Drop-in options available

*referrals & transfers to appropriate healthcare providers for further fertility management as needed


has no gender.”